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Other Words And Phrases For Typical

Synonyms for Typical

Other Words and Phrases for Typical

Normal, average, standard, usual, true, characteristic, regular, representative

Use "Typical" in a Sentence

There is nothing typical about the journey of life. - Journey of a Thousand Miles

The typical American eats about 57 pounds of sugar each year. - The World Factbook


The words "typical" and "characteristic" are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. "Typical" suggests that something is representative of a group or category, while "characteristic" suggests that something is an inherent quality of something. For example, you might say that a typical student is someone who gets good grades and participates in extracurricular activities. However, you might also say that it is characteristic of students to be curious and eager to learn.

When choosing between "typical" and "characteristic," consider the context in which you are writing. If you are simply describing something that is representative of a group, then "typical" is the better choice. However, if you are trying to convey that something is an inherent quality of something, then "characteristic" is a better choice.
