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How To Install And Play Roblox On Linux Ubuntu Using Wine

How to Install and Play Roblox on Linux Ubuntu Using Wine


Roblox, the popular online multiplayer game, is not officially available for Linux. However, you can still install and play the game on Linux using Wine, a Windows emulator.


Before you can install Roblox on Linux, you need to make sure that you have the following installed:

  • A 64-bit version of Linux
  • Wine
  • Winetricks

Installing Wine and Winetricks

To install Wine and Winetricks, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install wine winetricks

Installing Roblox

Once you have Wine and Winetricks installed, you can download the Roblox installer from the Roblox website.

Once the installer has been downloaded, open it and follow the on-screen instructions.

Playing Roblox

Once Roblox has been installed, you can launch the game from the Wine menu.

You may need to install some additional dependencies before you can play Roblox. To do this, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

  • winetricks vcrun2019
  • winetricks dxvk


Roblox is a great game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you're a Linux user, you can still install and play Roblox using Wine. With a little bit of effort, you can get Roblox up and running on your Linux system in no time.
